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Swarts and Hunters Cave Well Replacement Project 

Equitrans Midstream filed an application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in June 2023 for authorization to transfer certain existing storage wells and drill two new horizontal storage wells, all in Greene County, Pennsylvania‎. CONSOL Pennsylvania Coal Company LLC has developed plans to mine above and around Equitrans’ Hunters Cave and Swarts Storage Fields over the next couple of decades. Equitrans has already abandoned certain existing storage wells in its Swarts Storage Field because of CONSOL’s existing mining plans. Due to CONSOL’s continued planned mining, and in observance of Pennsylvania law regarding active mining near gas storage operations, Equitrans will seek FERC approval to transfer existing storage wells in its Hunters Cave Storage Field to CONSOL and which CONSOL will subsequently abandon.

Equitrans also seeks FERC approval to drill two new horizontal storage wells (one in each of its existing Swarts ‎Complex and Hunters Cave Storage Fields) as replacements for the abandoned existing wells. The two new wells will enable Equitrans to continue to deliver on its firm contractual obligations ‎to local distribution companies and other customers and will also modernize storage operations at these storage pools. The project will be owned and operated by Equitrans, and as the regulatory approval process moves forward, FERC will be the lead permitting agency for other federal, state, and local permitting authorities.

Equitrans is dedicated to the safe, responsible, and environmentally conscious construction of our pipelines and related facilities – and more importantly, we believe our stakeholders play a critical role in the development of proposed projects. If at any time you have questions, comments, or concerns, please contact the Equitrans Community Hotline at 888-574-6944 or by email at info@equitransmidstream.com.