Sustainability Framework
We believe our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) management practices drive both financial and intrinsic value for our company today and in the future – and building trust and demonstrating transparency are central to our approach. The evolving circumstances of our global society highlight the importance of stakeholder trust in businesses and the role that transparency plays in establishing and maintaining our strong relationships.
As our Core Values define who we are as a company, our corporate sustainability framework incorporates these values into its five pillars to define our approach to sustainability. The five pillars are designed to enable Equitrans to deliver long-term, sustainable value to all of our stakeholders.
Five Pillars of Sustainability
Safety Leadership
First and foremost, safety leadership is always our top priority — above all else. For Equitrans, the safety and well-being of our employees, contractors, and community members takes precedence and we believe that the execution of our business strategy is not successful unless Zero Is Possible — our staunch belief that workplace injuries are preventable. Everyone at Equitrans has a collective responsibility to exhibit safety leadership to realize success and, most importantly, create a workplace where Zero Is Possible. This mindset extends beyond our workplace as we are committed to supporting the safety of community members and other stakeholders.
Environmental Stewardship
Environmental conservation is incredibly important to Equitrans, and, together with our world-class safety culture, our Zero Is Possible mentality includes environmental protection. We strive to meet or exceed both expectations and regulatory requirements. To accomplish this, we work to incorporate sustainable practices, such as utilizing innovative technologies to enhance our emissions reduction program and optimizing our natural resource use. We continuously evaluate opportunities to improve our environmental performance, with a focus on the air, land, and water environments in which we operate.
Corporate Governance
Our commitment to upholding transparent corporate governance principles bolsters our stakeholders’ confidence and trust in Equitrans. This commitment is shared by our highest governance body, Equitrans’ Board of Directors, which is responsible for overseeing the management of our business activities and affairs. Our Board of Directors, acting through its committees, oversees Equitrans’ policies, programs, and strategies regarding corporate social responsibility and sustainability, including ESG matters and related risks and opportunities.
Economic Benefits
Equitrans delivers clean, affordable domestic energy; supports economic development in local communities; creates direct and indirect job opportunities; and generates tax revenue to support state and local governments, all of which positively contribute to the economy. We engage with community organizations and invest in initiatives to promote safety, health, environmental, economic, and cultural development, and we consider environmental justice principles for the fair and equitable distribution of benefits generated by our operations.
Stakeholder Engagement
Our stakeholders provide respected insight into the operation of our business. We believe that maintaining an open, transparent, and honest dialogue with our diverse group of stakeholders enables Equitrans to better identify process gaps and implement strategies to swiftly address matters of concern. Prioritizing the issues most relevant and material to our stakeholders informs our decisions to implement additional ESG practices.